Yoga and travel!
Yoga has become a steady fixture in my life–even when I’m on the road. Even if I can’t find space or time to practice, there’s no doubt that yoga has made me a better traveler. Breathing. Yoga emphasizes steady, deep breathing in and out through the nose. Doing a simple breathing count, like counting to four while inhaling, holding for seven and exhaling for eight helps to calm me down in stressful moments. When I’m confronted with a situation that’s out of my control, like an enormous traffic jam or being snowed in, yoga breathing helps me calm down and accept the situation. Doing a breathing count (with ear plugs in and eye mask on) also helps me fall asleep soundly, whether I’m in a noisy hostel or a four-star hotel. Being able to sit still for long periods of time. Travel often involves a heck of a lot of sitting still: long plane flights or waiting out a train delay with a pile of luggage spring to mind. I tend to fidget, but sometimes I’ll pretend that I’m in the mid...